Friday, February 25, 2011

Poem for Theological Education

Today the trustees, faculty, and administration of my school spent the afternoon talking about why we teach what we teach. Our facilitator used this poem to begin the conversation. I found it very helpful and want to share with you.


We learn to make connections -
between ancient texts and modern minds
between Codex Sinaiaticus and the internet
between Pew, Pulpit and Public Presence
between the then-Jesus and the now-Christ
between the roller-coaster of human emotion
and the steady devotion of the disciple
between the local congregation and the universal church
between orthodoxy and the adventurous spirit.

So we prepare for ministry
that we may be those who connect
the once-only and the always of God
for healing, hope and grace.

It's a costly business,
in time, talent, money, family,
whether in a little Bible school
or an ancient university,
in distance learning or large seminary,
for in all theological education
we are slowly becoming
what we were called to be,
and that takes a lifetime.
--Bernard Thorogood